young-at-heart mom.. kilig-factor wifey.. ofw daughter.. coffee-tayo friendship.. trying-hard artist.. jack-of-all-trades consultant.. seasonal blogger.. voracious reader.. frustrated lawyer-teacher-painter-singer-writer-emcee-barista-chef
Friday, December 29, 2006
quick december view
the following day, it was pitibifor's christmas party celebration at costa sands eastcoast. we rented a chalet for our overnight stay and had some food cooked for our dinner. we played some few games that entangled them together, guessing games that frustrated us to the last minute for not being able to come up with that one word.. hehehe.. then we went out for a walk and had some nice hot cup of coffee at the coffee bean. went back, played card games and jammed with the guys.. well they did, i dozed off while boss was telling some ghost stories. after 3hours, it was daylight so we packed things up and cleaned up the leftovers. niño and i went ahead with ami coz we need to get back to the kids early.
after some 4hours of sleep that sunday, we went out again to start christmas gift shopping. yeah, we wanted to start early to get the nicest pick. i was really dead tired so we didn't stay out so late and just took a cab on our way back home.
last dec.22 we had our department christmas party in hdb auditorium. we participated in the christmas carolling competition, well it's more of a just-for-fun competition. there were lots of food, drinks, logcakes!, ham, turkey and other food that i wasn't able to check out anymore. it was also the last day of this year that pitibifor would be together because most of the guys would go home to pinas to spend the holidays back home. we had dinner at food republic in wisma and it feels like one big happy family dining together, having fun and some few laughs.. remembering all the wonderful things that happened during the whole year.
dec.24, noche buena. some few friends came by the house to share our simple feast. niño's cousin and her family was expected that day. unfortunately, they weren't able to come due to the rains. later that night, some friends of ice from her church came by and spend some time in our home. at 12midnight, we started opening gifts. nixon was very excited and noah as well. it was our first christmas together as a family away from pinas. it's totally different being away from my bro and sisses and parents.. the following day, christmas day, we woke up late and decided to go around vivo city. that place is really huge and swarming with so many people. we just decided to go and have dinner at home.
in between those days up to this time i've been burried with tons of work in the office. nevertheless, i tried to keep up and give as much time as i can to my kids and niño. we're also preparing for nixon's school come jan.3. oh how time flies.. my eldest boy will start schooling and he'll meet new friends and learn new things.
the next few days, i need to think about my plans, our plans for the coming year ahead...
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
staying in the battle
a 5minute of my day today gave me a break thinking of things i wish would happen in the next few months... celebrating another wisdom in my youth hehe... celebrating noah's first year of blessedness :) ... going home to pinas, being able to see our families... taking care of our wedding preps, booking most of them... go to phuket thailand to have a short break... finding a new job *the most dreaded part*, being able to stay in sg for another year or two... applying for PR? maybe... celebrating dadi niño's youth bwahahahah... being able to go home again on september for hani's wedding :) , booking more suppliers for the final leg of our wedding preps... celebrating nixon's fifth... finally, going home again for our wedding day and spending the festive season with our families...
*it's like drafting a list of christmas wishes don't you think? hehehe*
side story: a warm hug and lots of kisses to mareng friend hanipay for landing that fedex job! wiipppeeee let us know when is the next shipment going out of sg, maybe we can tag along? heheheh siryusli, congrats friend mwah mwah mwah! ok, congrats also to ffg for getting that damn noisy guitar, peace! bwahahahaha!
side story2: a big congratulations to pareng buru and mareng twix for landing a slot to that US visa!!! wiipppeeee don't forget to bring home some goodies! mwehehehehe!
side story3: another congratulations also to my mareng trina and pareng ken for being pregnant! yeyeyeyey!!!
*sign off.. will be back in the next couple of days or weeks, i hope sooner :) *
Sunday, November 19, 2006
my long awaited gown sketches by veluz

venue fiasco, changing church
to date, we have decided to just let go of ilustrado restaurant. we just don't want to deal with anymore stress regarding package inclusions and alterations. it just sent us into more fear that in the span of one year ahead, there would be more movements in the deal that we made with them and we just don't like that idea. so better to pull off the plug right this early and find another venue.
for the past three weeks, we have been searching for a possible venue that would suit our taste and budget. we have looked through father blanco's garden, a venue behind san agustin church. we asked for their package rates and compared against ilustrados. after a week of researches and calculations, we came to the conclusion that costings for father blanco's garden is relatively high, and moving away from our initial budget, and so we decided to find another one.
along the way of searching, we considered having it in a nice function hall. and we came across ba lepanto penthouse in makati. a fellow w@w's wedding came just in time to give us a glimpse of how weddings are done in the place. at first call for inquiry, i was turned down because ms. revi, the managing officer for lepanto, said that the place would undergo renovations next year and she's not sure when. she said i should get back to her on january 2007 to inquire again. both my shoulders dropped in dismay as i hung up the fone.
i came across ramon magsaysay center, kind of a historic place. when the day came that i needed to inquire about the place, the line was busy. so i said to myself that i'd like to try and ask lepanto again when is the renovation starting. ms. revi told me that they only accept bookings til august 2007. my spirits where dampened... and she asked, when is our wedding date. i told her we're scheduled on dec. 27, 2007 at 4pm. she just immediately said that it's ok to book lepanto after christmas! hooray! i was able to pencil book our date and hopefully by end of november, we'll be able to send in our reservation fee. along our conversation, i inquired about the possible caterers we can get for the place. she recommended swan lake catering, somehow i had this idea already since they were the one's who made a fellow w@wie friend's wedding a success. well, thats another story. i'll be posting a separate blog entry for them once we touch base with their ae (accounts executive).
with these changes, we're now planning to change our church to nuestra señora de gracia in guadalupe makati. it's really a nice peaceful church, our 2nd option to san agustin church. we were thinking of getting nsdg if we ever get a venue in makati, and san agustin church if we land a venue in manila. so now, we are changing from san agustin to nsdg so that it would be accessible to our guests and us.
i'll just post again when we've finally decided on these matters and paid the required downpayments. *cross fingers*
Saturday, November 18, 2006
toxic 3weeks *sigh*
the best thing was that niño was always around to cheer me up and assist me in taking care of the kids while i take a breather at home. it was so sweet of him to treat me to dinner at suntec the other night even if it was another burger and fries meal. i just miss him so much at the office. before, getting by a task was easy because he was around to help me out with my questions, and now i have to handle them all by myself. but our dinner date relaxed me somehow and it helped a lot in bringing my sanity back to being a mom to our kids and a wife to my loving hubby.
*huuugggss and kisses @dadi rak*
Sunday, November 12, 2006
twinkle twinkle christmas tree...
mind you, we didn't really know the exact location of this store. all we know is that it's along a popular intersection at the corner of geyland road. so off we go the streets, dripping wet. we even forgot to bring our jackets. and the streets were really flooding with water. so we crossed the street and finally came to our destination. we just stayed outside for a while to shake off some water, and the storekeeper saw as lurking around the 'trees' so they asked us to come in. we were the only customers that time.
niño and i really enjoyed shopping around for 'the tree' for our family. basically, we're so excited since this is our first tree for our family, and the kids are here so we really want to surprise them. we decided to get red, gold and silver for our color motiffs and the tree we chose was a 6feet tall green christmas tree. it was soooo pretty! we never had a christmas tree taller than me during my growing years in pinas. and now, i just wanted a big tree for us.
upon arriving home, we ate our meryenda, and the kids were still asleep for their afternoon nap. we decided to put up our christmas tree while they're asleep so that we could surprise them when they woke up. we enjoyed putting it up, it was a bonding experience for me and my hubby. and when nixon and noah woke up, the expression on their faces were priceless. a total view of innocence and awe. there's no replacing that special feeling of making your kids happy and loved.
*and now it's time to start thinking of how to introduce santa claus to them hehehe...*

Thursday, November 09, 2006
officially hitched weddings and rene gaviola
so far, teena has been doing an absolutely good job with handling our concerns. i admit i get into so much stress and tantrums when something is not going well with our expected plans for the big day. she's very reliable and she's good at calming my nerves. we had difficult times, but we were able to manage everything, and now we're back on schedule. we just need to smooth some more rough edges along the way. you may view their website link for more details on their services.
another talented person will join the team... our photographer, mr. rene gaviola. he's one of our favorites. i wasn't really looking much into his profile because i heard that his package is kinda way up our alloted budget. and i was kinda thinking that he's a little intimidating because he has a name in the entertainment business being part of abs-cbn. but i was wrong...
i looked up one of rene's work posted by a co-w@w, chie. from the beginning to the end of the photo video, i was stunned and mesmerized. it was like living through the moment of the event itself! so i got the strength to pull myself together and send an email of our preferred items. true enough, he replied very quickly and accomodated our requests, just like that! he granted our wishes within the budget that we have and he promised to make the most out of the littlest penny spent for his services that we'll pay. he was indeed a very good catch and we're very happy to be his clients. every now and then i would stop by his blogsite just to check on his latest works. his masterpieces never seem to stop amusing me. thanks also to my college bud and fellow w@w, carol nolasco, who is also rene's client for their upcoming wedding next year. alternatively, you may visit his official website to view his profile and more samples of his works.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
nixon's fourth :)
good thing oct. 24 was a holiday, we chose to celebrate his birthday a day earlier so our friends could come by. we started cooking early in the morning, i'm very thankful that tita juvy (our yaya) is very efficient. she does things without having to tell her from a list of things-to-do. we were able to pull it off with a bang! hahaha!!! we cooked spaghetti, beefsteak, fried chicken wings, sautéd upo with shrimp and sinigang na bangus. we also bought nixon his cake and thanks to tita kati *aka kuret* for the ice creams.

we watched a pinoy movie love story flick, close to you. cast includes bea alonzo, john lloyd and of course, sam milby *kilig*. everybody enjoyed watching the movie, gone are the days when we consider those kinds of films as corny. when you're overseas, you couldn't help but appreciate watching and listening to anything pinoy. after watching we proceeded our favorite past time, videoke hehehhe! even if nixon doesn't really appreciate it that much, but he was there to hang around with everyone and sing along.

the party ended around past 8pm, it was a simple yet very memorable birthday for my son and for us as well. we ended the day with nixon opening his gifts. we would like to thank everyone who remembered. the following day, after office hours, we went home to light again a mini cake for our eldest boy. his grandmas were also there singing happy birthday through our celfones. it really melts our hearts knowing that our little boy has grown and he appreciated everything that we've done for him so far. :)

again happy birthday nixon bebe!!! dadi, mami and noahby loves you so much!!!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
growing kids

ohh how time flies so fast. one day i was just holding my eldest son, nixon, in my arms. the next thing i knew, i can't even let him sit on my lap long enough to finish a bus ride goin to our church. i use to bathe him, and now he doesn't even want to get out of the bathroom naked! he can play some games in the computer, sometimes he just types his name, the alphabet and numbers in the notepad. he likes to do puzzles, can read storybooks. funny thing is, he really doesn't know how to read well.. he just learned to memorize them hahahah! very clever hehehe.. omigosh! is this really happening?!
he also replies to some questions smartly. typical conversations would go like this:
nixon > mami wat are those? *points at veggies on the table*
aslee > baby, those are called vegetables
nixon > what? how do you say that?
aslee > veg...ta...bols.... vegetables!
nixon > bols? but they are not round mami!
hmmm.. ok arrgghhhh... here goes another during times when i scold him:
aslee > don't do that again ok? i'm angry at you for doing that!
nixon > but i love you mami.. *with batting eyelashes*
so of course my heart would melt and he gets away with it.. when his dad scolds him:
niño > why are you ignoring mami? she's still talking to you..
nixon > but i love HIM
niño > no, i love HER
nixon > how about me?? don't you love me?
now you get the picture.. its quite difficult when your kid has all the excuses in the world, and yet makes it a point to tickle your funny bone even when you're angry. he know some diversions just to get off the topic on his back.
nixon > mami do you love dadi?
aslee > yes of course!
nixon > is he your dude?
aslee > *LOL* yes!
my kumpareng dennis and kumareng che calls each other dude, it's their term of endearment. my son heard it from them one time. he has a very good memory. he can even remember all of our friends names here in sg. he also likes to sing different kid's songs like barneys song, some nursery rhymes. and when he hears a certain song and he likes the melody, he sings the song even if he doesn't know the exact lyrics. he also likes to dance when he hears lively music, even in public.
my second son, noah, he's really growing strong and steady. now he can sit on his own in bed or in the couch. sometimes he stands up and holds on to the handle bars in his babycot. he opens his mouth immediately when he sees food coming his way. whenever we arrive from the office and sees us opening the gate, he would make noises and cries for us to take him from the crib. he laughs along with his brother. he likes to sing when he watches tv and there are music playing on the show. he watched the movie 'the shawshank redemption' very quietly with us on the computer at home. he just sat there with us and behaved himself hehehe...
christmas is getting near. and we're all so excited to spend our first christmas together as a family. we'll put up a nice christmas tree for the kids. although its also quite sad that we won't be able to go home and visit our families and friends back home. anyway, we're really looking forward to christmas... we're blessed with our wonderful kids and loving families and friends. what more could we ask for :)
Sunday, October 08, 2006
meeting W@WSG
we started rolling the ball by asking everyone to say something about themselves and what they have done for their wedding preps. so far, almost everyone has a church and venue. it was good thing for sis jenny c. to be able to attend to get some few pointers in deciding their location area. the following day, a good news came from her telling us that they've finally decided where they wanted to do their wedding. *so happy for you sis jenny c. :) * we also discussed the pros and cons of having some stuff bought here in sg and from pinas like buying a bridal gown, DIY materials, etc. there was also a little sharing of ideas on DIY (do-it-yourself) items like invites, STD's (save-the-date), souvenirs and gifts for the entourage.
i'm really happy to have known the people behind those email addresses hehe.. it was uplifting to be able to share your own thoughts and emotions regarding wedding preps. it was really different telling it to a co-b2b than connecting with your husband/husband-to-be (h2bs).
thanks to mama benz for creating a w@wsg yahoogroup. she posted an article at weddingsatwork website regarding our eyeball meet. i'm so excited to have another eyeball, looking forward to our next activity yehey!!!
*excerpt from my posting at w@w*
haler mga kafatid sa sg!
ang saya saya no? heheheh.. di ko expected na ganun pla kadami mkaka-attend! ang galing, sobrang dami nating napagusapan tapos we were able to relate to some dilemmas hehehe..
sis resi, hope ul be able to stay longer nxt time :)
sis kendz, tnx for sharing d experience with ms benz.. ayan may w@wsg chapter na! yahey!!! saludo ko syo kafatid, dami mo ng accomplished items!
sis lyn, pakonek nmn hehehe.. naku malapit na, simula na ng wedding fritters and jitters hehehe. o bsta and2 lng kmi, makikonek n lng kaw pg klangan mo ng saklolo. dont wori, ul get over d homesickness in time. konting practice pa sa roadmaps hihihi
sis jen cabrids, congrats! ambilis ng mga pangyayari! edi final na pla nxt yr na tlga.. naku ka-excite na yan. start na ng masinsinang preps ito! bsta we'll pray for u, sna madecide nyo na dn in time ung church and venue nyo.
sis joy aka angel, ang kulit mo! nyahahah!! malapit ka na din! konting polishing na lng sa mga small details tlga. share mo dn mga DIY stuffs mo ha. ingats dn lagi sa pguwi ha..
sis tin, hay bongga tagaytay bride! pg may questions ka pa about ROM stuffs, kung itutuloy nyo, pm ka lng ha :) ako nmn mgtatanong syo abt ur DIY's hehe. extend our tnx nga pla kay hubby mo, naging fotographer pa naten kgabi hehe.
sis jenny luy, i hope ul be able to finalize wer to get ur wedding gown. im pretty sure dat watever u decide, its gonna be perfect! cguro nmn no matter wer u get it, as long as ur hapi and u feel d connection of d gown and u, den go for it! :)
sis mareng faye, oi tita congrats, a very successful first eb woohhhoo! so sympre masusundan na ito ulit. :) congrats dn for being able to finally buk wack wack golf and country club. another 'tick' on d checklist. moving forward na kyo ni ffg yey! o sya kuyugin mo lng kmi pg may klangan pang iba. suportahan taka sa upcoming ROM yey!
and to all our sg b2b's sisses and married sisses, we hope that you could also join us in the W@W SG yahoogroup. thanks ya'all and hope to see you agen on d nxt eb session. :)
p.s. ang mga pics ha, pakishare na lng mga sis. tnx!
aslee wife ni niño
7/8/2005*civil*, 12/27/2007*church*
sac/ilustrado garden courtyard <-- wedsite <-- chika etc.
Monday, October 02, 2006
today, marked the day of being by myself again in the office. i still have some few more months to bear being on my own. this morning, i was hurrying by myself walking to the train station to catch up with time, i guess being without him doesn't give me any more excuses to be late. i bought pancit for my breakfast and had to eat half of whats left of it in the afternoon since he was not there to eat them just like the way it used to be. i had to eat my lunch with jelly adobo sauce... i just felt lame to walk to the pantry and have my food microwaved. anyway, it was just me eating alone on my desk. i had nobody to talk to about how frustrating my coding and testing are...
i just really miss dadi niño so much... i was writing this in my pc while waiting for my submitted job to get off the queue. and now i'm ready to dive back to work. tomorrow, he starts with his new work in millenia office. and things would really start being different... but i'm still hoping for all the best possible luck for us :)
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
mister videographer
Our first choice for our video team was Threelogy, well I guess that’s not really a big surprise since it was the most raved about video team during the time I got into weddingsatwork yahoogroup. I kept track of their works and the feedbacks from my fellow w@w sisters. Of course my second move was to check on their price package. Well somehow, as much as we want to move our budget just to make things fit in, it really won’t. So we moved on… *actually I moved on, I was the one really pushing this team so hard to be part of our armory of supplies*
We realized later on that we closed our minds and hearts for other possibilities. Slowly we entertained the idea of exploring other options and finding someone who’s as best but at a more affordable price. We browsed through several videos and flipped through the archives of w@w. Finally we discovered Mr. Shierdan Pamintuan.
Dan is easy to talk to, it’s like talking to a kid with the heart and attitude of a professional. He’s very accommodating and responds very quickly with our inquiries. My husband agreed on getting his services. And so after one month of getting to know him and his works, we finally booked him today. We are so glad to have Dan in our team. Please do checkout his works and masterpieces at his website,
Saturday, September 02, 2006
september celebrants
sept. 4 - achie joy, cousin for life
sept. 6 - teena baretto, my angel wedding coordinator
sept. 7 - blessie, my anak puti
sept. 8 - mama mary's birthday!
sept. 12 - ati cheryl and michael bau
sept. 22 - rosiel, mon sesi
sept. 24 - mark oliver, prang nonoy
happy birthday!!! :)
Friday, September 01, 2006
sailing through..
she was the first person i trusted about my life when i came to hadaba. i succomb to her comforting words and caring ways. she was never judgemental, although sometimes we made it a hobby to pick on other people during dull moments just to burn time. aside from knowing that my hubby was around to accompany me, she was there for the typical girl talks. i never thought that we would become friends.. my first impression of her was that she was one of the snotty girls who prefers their own game rather than blending with others. but i was wrong..
i remembered how difficult it was to get used to knowing new faces, even if they are also pinoys. she gave me a chance to be close and have company. the first time we had a conversation, she spoke nice and easy.. no trace of violence or rudeness. then we got to know each other more as the days passed by. we go to the chatroom and talk nonsense sometimes, cheesy stuffs, and believe me, even politics. she's really a smart person. she has a strong faith, amidst all difficulties and criticisms, she stood tall and defended her beliefs. and when she gets really angry and frustrated, all she does is cry over it for a while.. and then move on.
when i was pregnant, she was my friend who really cared and was always there to support me. she would accompany me with my cravings.. good thing she never really gained weight. her housemate and bestfriend also was pregnant that time. imagine, she's accompanying two preggy women and still she remained sexy *naks*. she was there to take me home when i had my migraine and my hubby was in the philippines to get my son and my mom. the following day, she went with me to my ob-gyne even if it was very early in the morning. *this person usually gets out of bed 1pm during weekends..imagine the effort!*. but she was thankful because it was the first time for her to experience hearing the heartbeat of a baby inside a womb and follow its movement in a monitoring device. we made her the godmother of my little noahby :)
..and now, the time has come for us to part our ways in the office. although she wouldn't really leave the country, it felt like i'm about to lose another friend in the office. there are other friends who are also dear to my heart, but she's hani. my everyday life will never be the same again, knowing i would never see her smiling face again inside the office 5 times a week. there won't be any more stop-overs during trips to the bathroom just to get some latest buzz. i know it's stupid and dumb to be feeling this way when we could still see each other sometimes. but i guess i just got used to her being around especially when i needed to hear some thoughtful advices.
i know she's off to a better world, better opportunities, better career growth. and i know, she will be happy to find her own self in a more challenging world.. i admire her for that. all i wanna wish for her is all the best things that life can offer. and as much as it saddens me that we'll have to part our ways for a while, i'm so happy that things are finally falling into places for my dear friend.
haylafyu my friend, hanipay :) god bless, good luck and congratulations! don't forget us on your first blood :)
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
the venue: ilustrado
father blanco's came to my mind just recently. a batchmate of mine from mapua, jacq and gudo would be married on the same church as ours. theirs would be held this january, and they've chosen father blanco's garden. jacq said that the moment gudo stepped into the place, he decided that that was their venue for the reception so jacq couldn't really argue. it has nice stoned block flooring and lots of trees and bushes with fountain. they also have a hallway, extending on one side, just so there would be a back-up area when it rains. unfortunately, the priests who manages the place prohibits fireworks and live bands! nyee! so we decided not to get them anymore, we don't want to be thrown out of the place if they awoke because of the festivities. another thing is, the catering service is solely provided by makati skyline. unfortunately, their rate for the packages are not within our budget.
teena also tried looking at coconut palace although it wasn't on our list. the place really looks great overlooking the manila bay. the so-called 'palace' used to be a house for the marcos's so the interior of the insides is more of like a house. the function area is like the big lobby of the place. the swimming pool outside also was in the middle of the reception area. it was really ok but the rent of the place was a bit high and of course we have to get their accredited caterers to which our expected savings would not be able to afford.
so finally we discussed about ilustrado restaurant. we talked about the garden courtyard. the place can accomodate up to 200 guests, still enough space alloted just in case we go overboard with the attendees. the place was easy to groom according to teena and lots of elements can be fixed according to our theme. i also liked the wishing well in the garden, it could be dressed up for the event. the best part was the sinagtala ballroom. it has capiz windows and the ceilings and walls have this old world feeling. the furnitures were classy and the ambiance was perfect for a classic vintage theme. this will be our back-up area just in case the rain pours. parking space is not a problem. all in all, it really suits well with our budget and taste.
we immediately decided to book the place last weekend. the management has already planned to increase their package rates by Php20-30K because they want to incorporate other details like the car rental, hotel accomodations, etc. teena and i felt that those additionals can be taken cared of on our side so we opt to get the package as is. the attending account executive was not able to commit on what kind of flower arrangement would be done for our setup so teena gave them enough time to get back to us on this matter. these things could be dealt with as we go along the way.
but for now, niño and i are both ecstatic to finally been able to book our venue. teena, my mom and sis berna met last saturday at ilustrado restaurant to close the deal and sign the contract. they paid the reservation fee and looked around the place. my mom was really amused at the place, she's not used to attending big gatherings. this is my, sort of, gift for her.. making her dreams come true, and ours as well. :)
*please come and visit our wedsite to view our latest updates for our wedding preps. do drop us a message on our guestbook on your free time, thanks! :) *
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
birthdays birthdays birthdays
long overdue post - noah's christening

last sunday, august 6, 2006, marked as the baptism day of my second little angel, miguel noah. we got ready around 3:45pm, the ceremony starts at 4:30pm. some of his godparents were already waiting inside the church. the ceremony started exactly on time and it was very solemn. we listened to the readings and homily. the babies were baptized in oil and water. the lighting of the candle was done by one of the godparents and during the baptism with water, noah cringed a bit, so some water went to his eyes.. good thing he didn't really mind at all hehe.. :)
i can't help but compare how it was done back in our country and here in sg. in pinas, the sacrament of baptism was paid in cash. then there is just a certain number only of godparents who could be enlisted. the rest, you have to pay an amount per head. i'm not really sure with other churches, but definitely we pay for the ceremony. you also provide for your own candles. while here, we were so astounded when we called up the parish office to register and ask the payment. the secretary told us its free! wow that was weird.. she just told us that we must attend a seminar with the godparents, thats it! during the ceremony, they provided for everything. we just brought ourselves and noah. i guess it's really a way for them also to gain more catholics within this country.
oh well, after the ceremony, picture takings of all sorts. most of our friends brought their cameras so we stood for a few minutes in the altar, me holding noah and guests lining up one by one. it was really fun having them all there and sharing the moment. we proceeded at our house to have some dinner. of course the house was filled with friends here and there, and we are very thankful to all those who came. :)
welcome noah baby to the christian world! - love: mami, dadi and nixon
Thursday, August 03, 2006
back tracking..
*whew* i'm deciding to put aside my wedding preps for the meantime. i'm beginning to take for granted other things, including my blogging. now i have to post one by one what has happened to me lately. so bear with me.. :)

last saturday, i made my very first do-it-yourself (DIY) stuff! yiipppeee! finally i made a nice tag for noah's godparents' souvenirs. at first i really don't have any idea, i just wanted to buy a card tag then put a handwritten thank you note inside. but i guess a little artistic side of me kicked in. i wanted something special for my little boy that was made out of my labor of love :) so i bought some materials from spotlight in plaza singapura even if noah was crying the hell out of his lungs in his stroller. good thing my sis berna was there to assist me hehe.. sorry noahby, mommy has to buy those stuffs for you. i looked around for cardboards and found two matching ones. it was kinda difficult choosing designs and colors that would go together yikes! i was also looking around for some stickers for babies but wasn't able to find one. i was able to find colored safety pins in popular bookstore near the office. i plan to use them as the tag holder. so my hubby and i layed out some time to put them all together and voila! a masterpiece! hehe! i'm proud to show you my first DIY craft for noah :) hooray!

back tracks.. side B
now for the next track.. i admittingly had troubles relating to a very good friend of mine for the past 3weeks i guess. she kept to herself most of the times and i could tell that she has some thoughts bothering her. i confronted her about this, and my assumption was right.. but she'd rather keep it to herself for the meantime. of course, it's rude and disrespectful if i still keep on bludgering her about it so i gave her space. but we still talk and go out. it was difficult because i know that in those smiles and laughter, deep inside there was something. the other night i even talked to my hubby about it because i was getting sooo worried already that it has stretched for a time that seemed eternity for me *i think i'm exaggerating here hehe*.. the following day, my prayers were heard. she finally blurted out what was keeping her busy these past few weeks. i dunno what got into me that even before she told me, i was already so filled with joy in my heart! *by the way, we talk using pop-up messages in the computer in the office* and it was confirmed, she and her loving hubby is finally tying the knot! eeeeee so excited to the max! she'd be walking on the aisle 3 months earlier than me, and i was genuinely happy for them :) shucks why did that passed through my radar without me knowing?! but anyways, i'm very happy for both of them. *that's why i decided to postpone my preps for the meantime, i'd like to assist her and enjoy bonding together.. i think it's too early for me also to worry so much* congratulations my dear friend inah! :)
back tracks.. side C
on the same day that i learned about side B, i had another exciting news that was initialized by a gutt feeling. i was trying to call my bestfriends hya and ryan *husband and wife* for the past few weeks. but hya being a nurse in texas may have had most of her time held by patients here and there. ryan on the other hand was living in another city trying to earn some for their coming baby. i wanted to call them to ask them or rather tell them to come home to pinas next year for our wedding. at the same time, i would also like to ask hya when is her expected delivery date. but by golly! when i called her up around 10am here *it was 8pm that time in texas*, she was laughing at me and saying, "so you also heard the news already..". and i told her, "what news?? i was suppose to ask when is your delivery date!" and she laughed at me on the fone so hard then i realized, nyaaaa she already had her baby that morning! it was so amazing because in the middle of working and talking with my friends that day, i just decided to call her up and thats it! i heard a good news from her about her delivery.
the baby boy's name is rylan james obeña.. he weighed 6.90lbs. welcome to the world baby rylan! :)
Monday, July 24, 2006
..on the road to el dorado
whew.. of course after deciding to get married next year, the preparations follow. so now we are tracking our road to getting there hehehhe...
me and hubby first agreed on the date that we would want, and we decided it's best to have it on a december because it's a festive season and of course most of the relatives would be home including us and the kids. well it would also lessen the expenses of having to decorate the church and the reception venue hehe! *nice idea right?* ..and so we finalized the date to be december 27, 2007 at 4pm in the afternoon. our wedding theme is classic vintage, around 1950's era. i was inspired by the movie, mona lisa smile starring julia roberts *my idol*. color motiff is still tentative because i have to meet my couterier first.
the second task was finding our church.. i think this part is the easiest because i already had in mind the san agustin church in intramuros. i attended a wedding there twice and during those times, i would really feel the solemnity of the ceremony and the serenity of the place. there was this warm touch of god's hands and sweet lullaby of his voice. and right then and there, i knew, this is the place where i want our vows to be witnessed by god and by our loved ones. san agustin church usually gets filled up quite fast for couples so we decided to book them as early as now. my dear sister, grace, and boyfriend, aljo, went there last july 4 to book our date. well i know you've read the story of that from my previous post :)
along the way of meditating on our wedding date, we were also deciding on the person to get as our wedding coordinator. i know that it would be difficult for us to accomplish everything being both overseas so we decided to get one. initially i was thinking of getting somebody around the ten thousand peso mark. i read some archives on the discussion of w@w *weddingsatwork* and found such names as queen, teena, clarice, etc. so i did my homework and researched on their profiles. clarice was also referred by my kumare. i also emailed teena of hitched *referred by w@w sister*. both of them sent an email regarding their proposals for our big day. we were quite stunned with the budget that we would have to alot for them. niño and i discussed our options. he said that it's ok to pay as long as the quality of service is brought home and we're comfortable with the person. in our case, another hindrance is that we need to spend our time also with the kids so we need someone who could really handle the job. our final decision was to get teena baretto of hitched. i was able to talk to her already and sure enough there was this magic right from the beginning, so i know we're in good hands.
when teena and i started discussing some few thoughts and ideas *well actually i laid all my cards from the beginning to her so that she'd know what we want*, she gave me a list of things to accomplish at the end of the year. she wanted us to settle the church date, reception venue, caterer *if needed* and photographer/videographer, and then make a downpayment or pay the reservation fees..
church: check! done already.. next..
reception venue: hmm.. this is one of the toughest decision to make. we were comparing a garden wedding against hotel or ballroom wedding. i really wanted a garden wedding because the place itself is already presentable plus the ambiance is different from a closed-door room. niño also felt that we would need to get a caterer that would dress up a function room well, otherwise, we would need an event stylist or florist to jazz up the place. of course, that would mean additional cost. from my post in the w@w yahoogroup, i was able to get a list of garden venues around intramuros that has back-up tents and ballrooms. we found ilustrados; we checked their website and we like the place already! even the ballroom is very complimenting. right now, we are 75% decided on booking them for our reception venue..
caterer: no need, ilustrados has in-house catering service so i don't have to do several taste test.
photographer/videographer: another tough situation. admittingly, there are lots of talented kababayans back home and its really so difficult to find one who could fit in with the budget and could deliver what we want. the very important thing to us is the layouting. we want it to be somewhat dramatic.. something like when you're looking at them, you can feel the emotions and it's as if you were there on the occasion. also, we want someone who could do well with black and white art according to our theme. we're still deciding on this so i guess it would follow in my succeeding post eventually. hold on to your seats..
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we plan to make our own website soon at :) keep you posted promise!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
it's a sign!

july 8, saturday. at exactly 12 midnight, niño kissed me and said, "mami, happy anniversary!". those were the sweetest words i heard to start my day. of course, i did the same. that morning, we together with my sis and nixon, went to sentosa with the pasaway kids. yeah i know.. not the typical anniversary where you spend some quiet time together. i think we would like to share that special day with the special friends we have here in singapore. we had a picnic at lunchtime at palawan beach. the dessert was assigned to us so we brought leche flan. the others brought poki poki *ate twix recipe of eggplant mixed with i duno.. i have yet to get the recipe from her*, chicken, tinapang bangus *smoked milkfish*, tomatoes and bagoong *anchovies* and plenty of rice hehehe! we proceeded to kusu island, a 30minute ferry ride across sentosa island. it's inhabited by turtles *my relations heheheh*. the 'calendar boys' spent some time in the beach while the 'beach babes' stayed and enjoyed the view. we packed up at around 4pm. our family went home straight because nixon might be tired already, plus we have a dinner date hehehe..
however, our date turned out to be disastrous! i won't go with the details anymore, i just got so irritated with the waitress from cafe cartell that dinner was postponed. good thing we decided to book a movie before leaving the house. at least there was still something to look forward to. otherwise, i would have cried right then and there at the restaurant. we enjoyed superman, so at least my disappointment subsided.
the turning point of our celebration was when we decided to get wed at the church :) i was so happy when niño and i agreed that we would do it december next year. at first i was pessimistic about it because it was just an idea that we were playing at when noah was born last february. supposedly, we should be wed this christmas if noah hasn't come. but somehow we thought that if we don't push it, more responsibilities and priorities will come along the way and build up. and our plans for our dream wedding will not materialize anymore. so bravely, we went against the odds and ask my sister and mother in the philippines to book our date with san agustin church.
that was 3weeks ago. within that time period, i was having second thoughts of really pushing it through. i joined weddings at work yahoogroup. it was a group of couples, mostly brides to be, who discuss issues concerning weddings. as i read through all there discussions, i was overwelmed with so much things to do and things to buy. that made me really scary. i posted some questions and consulted some coordinators to find out actual costs from each. i came across a coordinator whom i felt very at ease and comfortable to deal with. then i told her about my sentiments. she was very accomodating and realistic. i gave her my budget, and i was happy that she can help us stay on that budget or maybe less. so, i knew that somehow, we can make it happen.
the final sign came. this morning, my sister, my mom and i were having arguments about the reservation of the church venue. we wired the reservation fee to my mom. my sister grace and her boyfriend aljo would be the one to go to intramuros. however, miscommunications led us into upsets. i thought that grace would go home *she stays in makati* to get the money and go to intramuros. but there was a heavy rain around metro manila so she wanted to go there directly. but she didn't told me that, and it was unforeseen. if i had known so, then i would've wired the money to her account. my mom was getting hysterical because she was out and don't want us to argue. she was explaining to me that grace came from her night shift schedule. but anyway, before lunch, we all calmed down and my sister finally decided to just go home because she didn't want my mom to go out with the bad weather and her being tired from attending to business. i called around 3pm in the afternoon, my mom told me that the office closes at 5pm so grace and aljo were about to leave. due to the heavy rains, grace and aljo decided to hail a cab. at around 4:20pm, my heart was thumping fast. i went to chat a little to ate twix desk. at 10minutes past 5pm, when grace was still not texting, i decided to call her. she was whispering and said "achie *a term for older sister*, we're in the middle of the mass. i'll call you later.. it's already booked." i hanged up and smiled and told niño the good news :) earlier i said that if they're not going to make it, then it's really a sign that it's not yet the right time. but god gave the blessing. so i knew, in my heart, despite all the responsibilities of parenthood, we will be able to make it. we'll just put everything to faith and confidence in god and in our love.
i love you dadi.. and yes, i'm willing to say yes once more to our love. but this time, in god's presence and our families and friends as witnesses. happy first year rom anniversary!!! *tsup*
P.S. this is my signature at weddings at work yahoogroup at the moment:
aslee wife ni niño
dec. 27, 2007 (woohhooo nabuk na!)
san agustin/??
Sunday, June 18, 2006
D Day
As expected, the market was not jampacked anymore and most of the stalls were empty. Good thing Uncle Chicken *sorry can't make myself ask his name* still has one whole chicken left for me. The usual stall were I buy the sellar fish is cleaning already so I tried another vendor. Then I saw this huge fish head that still has some meat and I thought of making a soup out of the poor thing. Of course pork is never out of my list because I can do anything out of the blue with that piece of meat. The usual veggies is mostly part of the weekly menu, I just add something to spice it up. But usually the ever reliable oyster sauce is on my side hahahha!
That night I cooked the poor head thing and turned it into a sumptuous soup for dinner. You know this soothing feel of the broth travelling in your throat to your tummy and really being able to savor the taste of it? Its so relaxing and feels good to sip some soup with your hubby beside you and praising your dish. Its like winning his heart all over again.. True, the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach. It feels good to have that intuitive taste of knowing the right and almost exact tinge of mouth-watering meal to calm down my nerves.
Yes, I'm guilty of succombing to my appetite's desire *talk about dieting.. shooo! shoo!!*. While others go bargain hunting or shopping til they drop or cutting off this and that with their bodies *poor darn hair..* or color their nails black, I go to the market or grocery and buy my ingredients. I retreat to my kitchen and do some mixing, pouring, chopping, boiling, frying. After everything is done, I taste it and when I'm finally contented with my so-called 'experiment', I call my 'guinea pig' *I love you dadi hihihi!* and have it tested. As soon as I see that smile in his face, that look of satisfaction, all my worries are gone. All the pain, anguish, frustrations, tiredness, irritations and confusion just all go away. I come to peace with the thought that I can still make the most important person in my life happy. And even in a small way of feeding him right makes me feel so lucky and contented. I know that wether the food taste awful or not, he would still admire me and praise me.
To you my dear Dadi Rock, Rak, Niño, Nino, Nong, Happy Father's Day!!!
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To all the daddys out there, happy father's day! To my papa who has been my enemy, my savior and my adviser, happy father's day.
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The father who would taste the essence of his fatherhood must turn back from the plane of his experience, take with him the fruits of his journey and begin again beside his child, marching step by step over the same old road. ~Angelo Patri
Thursday, June 08, 2006
blanked out
The first thought that came into my mind was to jot down about our love story. Then I came into a halt.. How the heck can I when we don't really have one? Then there was silence in my mind. I looked back on the years that has passed and peeped through every event that popped into my mind. I was trying to 'make' something out of nothing. But I guess I cannot fool myself. I have to admit that it happened so differently to me and Niño. We didn't go through the same traditional way of boy-meets-girl-they-fell-in-love-and-live-happily-ever-after thing. I felt glum for a while, feeling envy and hollow inside. Well you know, I do also have the 'hopeless romantic' bone in me somehow. But then maybe it wasn't for me. Maybe I have too strong for a character that I forced it that way unintentionally.
During my teenage years I also had that dream of being wooed by the tall, dark and handsome guy. We would go to the same school in college, graduate together and work together, get married, have kids.. *blah blah blah..* Typically thats how we see things when we were young. But as we grow wiser and older, unexpected circumstances bump us along the way and gets us off track. I think this is the best way to define my love story. I've had so many heartaches that I ended up finding the right one and tried my best *really* to be with him. *Yup, I'm talking about my hubby.*
When I fell in love with him, I have no tissue with his name, no encircled date on a receipt, no love song playing to remind me of that special day. The reason behind was that it all came unexpectedly. We started as bestfriends, so in my mind there was no telltale signs that I would fall in love with him. Yes, I do admire him but the idea of him being madly in love with another woman made me numb to cupid's arrow. As a friend, he was so thoughtful and caring.. sending text messages each day. He would always accompany me in the malls, we have movie marathons almost every weekend. We both like to be cool and we enjoy food trips. Most of the times, he would pay for the movies, while I splurge on food. But if its his payday, he pays for everything.. Neat huh?
So maybe there were some 'romantic notions' during our first few years.. I'll try extracting them as the days go by so I could put them all together here. Hurray! Mission accomplished! I am now ready to start recollecting my thoughts and putting all my memories together. Wooohhoooo!
Monday, June 05, 2006
basic 'parents' instincts

Today I went to the market early in the morning with Niño, my rock. We headed down the streets quietly, thoughts reeling as we silently meditate on what happened last night. Even though he doesn't speak, you get this feeling that you know there's something in his mind. Maybe having known him for some few years now gave me the right to say that I know him well.
Last night it both dawned to us that we haven't really talked about rearing our child. Rearing in a sense of how are we suppose to discipline our sons. There was no spoken agreement as to how we will both face the fact that one day Nixon will not follow us, or that he would answer back or he would insist on his wants. We were not ready, and we ended up having an argument after Niño put Nixon to sleep vehemently. My son obviously looked out for any signs of rescue from her ever dearing mom but I just stood still and lulled Noah to sleep. I don't know how to respond.. my mind was telling me not to go against Niño's ways because parents should both have consistency on disciplining a child. Otherwise, there would be a clash on idealisms and it would send the child to confusion. But my heart was aching to soothe his fears and tell him that his daddy didn't mean to scold him. When Niño finally gave up on him, I put down Noah on his bed and went to Nixon's side. With tears in his eyes, sobbingly he embraced me and said, "daddy's anger me..." I shushed him and said that his daddy is not angry at him, he's just telling him to sleep. As the tears dried up on his face, he quietly surrendered to dreamland.
Nixon stayed with my parents and siblings for over a year when Niño and I decided to work here in Singapore. He came with my mom who took care of me after giving birth to Noah. We both decided that Nixon would stay with us now. We both wanted our sons to grow up together, we knew it was the best for them. We want them to grow harmoniously together and not estranged from each other. And since Niño and I were busy with the upcoming baby, we forgot to talk about Nixon. We didn't foresee that the Nixon we knew back then was a little toddler who rarely spoke a word and mostly sleeps his way during the day. And now that he's here, things are different and we were not ready.
As two individuals who grew up in diverse environments, of course it is obvious that Niño and I have been reared differently. And what might work as a disciplining tool for his side, would not work on mine and vice versa. So now here presents the problem in no disguise. We have to agree on certain terms as to how things should be done for our sons and why. Well our common denominator was that we didn't have a discourse on this event. And now that 'a sleepless Nixon' gave us an eye opener, I think it's time we sit down and discuss things properly *should a logbook be present on this? we'll see hehe*.. Hopefully we would shake on a resolution that would conform to our values and principles. We both acknowledge that being a parent is not that easy especially coming into terms with our kids' evolvement. But we would definitely have the innate sense of parenting that would make our place a home for Nixon and Noah.
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The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother, and the most important thing a mother can do for her children is to love their father. Anonymous