good thing oct. 24 was a holiday, we chose to celebrate his birthday a day earlier so our friends could come by. we started cooking early in the morning, i'm very thankful that tita juvy (our yaya) is very efficient. she does things without having to tell her from a list of things-to-do. we were able to pull it off with a bang! hahaha!!! we cooked spaghetti, beefsteak, fried chicken wings, sautéd upo with shrimp and sinigang na bangus. we also bought nixon his cake and thanks to tita kati *aka kuret* for the ice creams.

we watched a pinoy movie love story flick, close to you. cast includes bea alonzo, john lloyd and of course, sam milby *kilig*. everybody enjoyed watching the movie, gone are the days when we consider those kinds of films as corny. when you're overseas, you couldn't help but appreciate watching and listening to anything pinoy. after watching we proceeded our favorite past time, videoke hehehhe! even if nixon doesn't really appreciate it that much, but he was there to hang around with everyone and sing along.

the party ended around past 8pm, it was a simple yet very memorable birthday for my son and for us as well. we ended the day with nixon opening his gifts. we would like to thank everyone who remembered. the following day, after office hours, we went home to light again a mini cake for our eldest boy. his grandmas were also there singing happy birthday through our celfones. it really melts our hearts knowing that our little boy has grown and he appreciated everything that we've done for him so far. :)

again happy birthday nixon bebe!!! dadi, mami and noahby loves you so much!!!
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