Wednesday, December 13, 2006

staying in the battle

i've been burried to work for decades i guess.. it's been soooo long *for me* since i dropped a note here in my blogsite. good thing wedding preps is at a limbo right now and floating smoothly and soundly at the moment. i have been finishing a project involving different systems, left and right, and my bosses and users are having their vacation leaves altogether so i'm left into assuming what else to do with those codes. i haven't been 'sick' lately so i can't get any medical leaves, i just let the days go by until another holiday would come by which is happening in the next two weeks still. i've been counting down the days til march10 so we can all go home and have a vacation. i've been practicing for our presentation this coming friday for the hdb pinoy christmas party. hell it's been two weeks that almost everyday we have to learn and memorize the counts and steps. in between all those, i am a mother of two boys when i get home and a wifey to dadi niño. good thing we're almost done with our christmas shopping.

a 5minute of my day today gave me a break thinking of things i wish would happen in the next few months... celebrating another wisdom in my youth hehe... celebrating noah's first year of blessedness :) ... going home to pinas, being able to see our families... taking care of our wedding preps, booking most of them... go to phuket thailand to have a short break... finding a new job *the most dreaded part*, being able to stay in sg for another year or two... applying for PR? maybe... celebrating dadi niño's youth bwahahahah... being able to go home again on september for hani's wedding :) , booking more suppliers for the final leg of our wedding preps... celebrating nixon's fifth... finally, going home again for our wedding day and spending the festive season with our families...

*it's like drafting a list of christmas wishes don't you think? hehehe*

side story: a warm hug and lots of kisses to mareng friend hanipay for landing that fedex job! wiipppeeee let us know when is the next shipment going out of sg, maybe we can tag along? heheheh siryusli, congrats friend mwah mwah mwah! ok, congrats also to ffg for getting that damn noisy guitar, peace! bwahahahaha!

side story2: a big congratulations to pareng buru and mareng twix for landing a slot to that US visa!!! wiipppeeee don't forget to bring home some goodies! mwehehehehe!

side story3: another congratulations also to my mareng trina and pareng ken for being pregnant! yeyeyeyey!!!

*sign off.. will be back in the next couple of days or weeks, i hope sooner :) *

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