at malacca proper, we were introduced with pink buildings, pink gates and by golly, even a pink church! the flowerbeds were very pretty and vibrant. the ruins were very fascinating. our friends enjoyed shooting pictures everywhere. of course i was happy and excited for dadi who had his first exposure using his new dslr camera *hoorraay!* so even if i wasn't in the mood to pose, i tried to exert the best effort i can to make him satisfied with his shots.
at the end of the day, we went back to the same mall then had a nice meal at A&W. i was so ecstatic with happiness knowing that they had a chilidog in the menu! of course it should go with a large rootbeer float on hand hehehe! we rode the bus going back to SG around 6pm and it drizzled along the highway. everyone were dead tired and sleeping. we got home happy and exhausted from the trip but it was fun being with our friends.
group pic in malacca upon arrival

souvenir and hat hunting (mainit talaga pramis)

the pink church

coming down from the ruins uphill


wow jump shot

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