Monday, October 02, 2006


he was my teacher... he was always there to support me and teach me what i should know and not know. he was not really sold on the idea of us working together in the same office, in the same environment. he knows the extent of my emotions, especially my uncontrollable mood swings. i admit i have those attacks, but nevertheless, i've learned to control them as time goes by. again, thanks to him. he was so understanding... whenever i get frustrated over work, a thing or just nothing at all, he was ready to receive all the blunt words and impulsive accusations. but at the end of the day, i have to admit i was at fault... and somehow, he was too *despite the fact that he did nothing wrong*. i have always believed in his abilities to make wise decisions, although sometimes i would complain for the delays. but as it turns out, it was better to have waited. and again, it was thanks to him.

today, marked the day of being by myself again in the office. i still have some few more months to bear being on my own. this morning, i was hurrying by myself walking to the train station to catch up with time, i guess being without him doesn't give me any more excuses to be late. i bought pancit for my breakfast and had to eat half of whats left of it in the afternoon since he was not there to eat them just like the way it used to be. i had to eat my lunch with jelly adobo sauce... i just felt lame to walk to the pantry and have my food microwaved. anyway, it was just me eating alone on my desk. i had nobody to talk to about how frustrating my coding and testing are...

i just really miss dadi niƱo so much... i was writing this in my pc while waiting for my submitted job to get off the queue. and now i'm ready to dive back to work. tomorrow, he starts with his new work in millenia office. and things would really start being different... but i'm still hoping for all the best possible luck for us :)


salme said...

just bloghopping :-) can't helped but comment coz i experienced what you're going through, the other way around... i was the one who left hadaba, my hubby stayed on. first few weeks, it was so depressing to wake up early to go to the bus stop alone, have lunch on my own. we were together in hadaba for 4 years. ;) cheer up!

Unknown said...

helo salme, mami s ryt?

tenchu po for sharing ur feelings dn.. ganun pla tlga no? anhirap pro klangan accept. life must go on.. tnx for dropping by :)