Tuesday, January 27, 2015

balancing act

a lot has been said about fairness and justice. ultimately, who or what decides our fate and grants our existence justice? what is the measure of fairness amongst men?

it seems that in our society, the most powerful, the most knowledgeable, the most influential, has the first dip into the scale. in the case of rich versus poor, the former has all the means available for him to twist and turn the rules to be in his favor. another classic example: the tyranny of landlords against the small folks in suburban areas. the society allows it because the simpletons are not educated about their rights. they only wanted to continue living peacefully.. as long as they have a home and their livelihood, then its enough. they do not have the luxury and time to stop and fight. 

men against women. husband and wives. one will always dominate in superiority and opinion just because of gender and cultural values. how do you justify an act that is unreasonable, and yet it is believed to be favorable for all? when is it the right time to insist equality? 

in the end, we just leave it to Karma. 

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