i don't wanna miss a thing... so i'm blogging them away right now before i get amnesia or Alzheimer's :D
nixon has started asking about the opposite sex. i'm glad that he's honest and open about liking a girl in his class. and he's very independent with his homeworks and projects. he likes to do experiments at home. our usual conversations during mealtime is about his fascination on living things and electric circuits. he tries different things that he feels he might be good at. currently, he's into basketball and is playing for the school varsity. he was also recruited to join the school choir and he's learning to play the recorder. he searched the song pieces in youtube and practices. check out his youtube video: http://youtu.be/PGmFdpiwa_0
noah on the otherhand has a lot of questions and stories to tell. he usually speaks and converses like an adult. we went to a pet shop the other day, and he immediately chose 'his pet' and stayed with the dog most of the time.
noah: mummy, why is he color red? is he jealous? *pointing to hulk*

on our dinner the other night, we were caught by surprise on the kind of conversation they wanted to delve in: so how did you two actually meet? did you work together before? did mummy like you first *pointing to dadi*? or did you like mummy first?
yet another overheard conversation:
a while ago, i couldn't help but to take a video of them together... a priceless moment when the younger one helped the big one to finish his homework so they can play: http://youtu.be/sHKGCsqPEgc =)
20130914, evening:
noah: so mummy, i hate to tell you this but i think i'm not yet sleepy
trying to buy yourself out of sleeping early are you? hahahaha
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