Wednesday, June 15, 2011


i hate myself when i get to the point of letting go...

...of shoeseseses that i bought impulsively!

i normally have dilemmas buying shoes. first of all, my feet are wide, and in this country *where girls are so petite*, getting the right shoes for me is next to impossible! i envy those who could fit perfectly in their cinderella dream. getting the comfy & pretty ones are usually way out of my budget.

i bought 2 pairs from nine west 2years ago... ayun, so far i gave one pair to my sis grace and the other one has been sitting inside the shoe cabinet :( i really like the design and color, unfortunately, the flexing of the leather didn't happen. same goes with my ergo lab shoes... and here i thought it should be feet-friendly!

so now, the hardest part is accepting that it's not meant to be and i have to send them off somewhere where they can be useful.


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